
“Among other films that I have seen, one of the surprises is Thomas Alfredson, a new Swedish director who made a film about vampires: Morse.
“What makes him different from others is this time the vampire is a 12 year-old girl, and the story takes place in modern time -- in the suburb low-cost housing of Stocklom.
”What remarkable is: Alfredson has his subject under very well control. He never tries to exaggerate the unavoidable violence due with this kind of subject, and the film still keeps its morbid touch; there is not a slightest feel of sentimentalism in the film. He never romanticizes his young vampire and her relationship with the young boy -- the leading role in the film...
 “I think the most important point is this: I have never seen a vampire film that manages to give me this feeling: the vampire girl herself has some kind of conscious burden -- the guilt of being a vampire! She kills just because she has to survive, and the film does not try to defend her either.
”Also, in the treatment of the horror, Alfredson quoted the famous scenes of "Cat people" (Jacques Tourneur) twice, and it still works!”
“About the email that I sent you yesterday, when I said the film (Morse) does not try to defend the girl vampire, I meant the director's attitude is rather compassionate, and he was not trying to justify her crimes."
一連兩天來信,看來影片真的教他寢食難忘。我查了一下IMDb,影片的原名叫《Låt den rätte komma》,在美國上映時改了一個新片名,《Let the Right One In》(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1139797/),已出版了DVD,看了它的預告片(http://www.azmovies.net/let-the-right-one-in.html),北歐的幽冷氣息與男女少年們的蒼白肌膚,襯托著吸血僵尸的題材,詭異得來隱隱然有點 pedophilia 的味兒。立刻順著 click 入亞馬遜訂購,又害我買了一大堆東西...

