
電影構圖#4:《Since You Went Away》
1944 年的電影。John Cromwell 導演,David O. Selznick 繼《亂世佳人》(Gone With the Wind, 1939)和《蝴蝶夢》(Rebecca, 1940)後監製兼編劇的另一部野心作,描寫二次大戰期間一名中年婦人在丈夫遠赴沙場後獨自挑起家庭重擔,照顧兩名女兒的同時,卻又要面對前度情人重新追求的故事,片長三小時,獲九項奧斯卡提名(最後只贏得一項音樂獎!)。攝影師 Lee Garmes(1898-1978)曾憑《上海快車》(Shanghai Express, 1932)獲奧斯卡最佳攝影金像獎,其他著名作品有《疤面煞星》(Scarface, 1932)、《太陽浴血記》(Duel in the Sun, 1946)、《六月六日斷腸時》(D-Day the Sixth of June, 1956)等。上面的構圖,光、影對比強烈,多重景深的處理、對稱的演員排列、線條與空間的分佈,皆盡顯黑、白攝影之精妙,無法不教人讚歎!

1 則留言:

  1. Since you write about composition in old films,may I suggest some film noir titles,like The Killers,Criss Cross,The Big Combo,Night and The City,or even B horror films like Cat People
    that contain excellent and expressive B/W photography and composition,which is sadly missing in to-day's Hollywood blockbuster.
