

The Statement of the Polish National Film School’s Authorities

regarding the latest events involving Roman Polanski

Roman Polanski is one of the most outstanding film artists in the world, as well as our school’s graduate and its Doctor Honoris Causa.

His dramatic personal and artistic life has contributed to creating his unique personality influenced by the presence of good and evil. Those, who wish to judge him, should not isolate single events from the context of the whole of his complicated life.

Roman Polanski has been close to our school through his films and friendship. Our school has always supported him in good and bad circumstances of his life and art.

Depriving a human being of his freedom is always a drama for the family and friends. Depriving an artist of his freedom is a drama for all those who appreciate his talent and artistic achievements. We understand this drama and we are emotionally involved in it together with the Polish and international film world.

We do hope that legal actions connected with the present situation of Roman Polanski will be wise and well thought of. We appeal to the people and the institutions authorized to decide about it, for undertaking carefully considered actions, not to destroy Roman Polanski’s artistic and family life in an irreversible way, but most of all, Roman Polanski himself – the man and a great artist. Releasing him from arrest would be the first necessary step in the right direction.

Łódź, 29th September, 2009.

4 則留言:

  1. Marina Zenovich有一套紀錄片《Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired》,有意疏理當年的事情,導演明顯是站在波蘭斯基這邊,但無take side的紀錄片,又不一定好的。此片採訪了當年的律師,還探討了當年荷里活一早彌漫了不歡迎波蘭斯基的情緒,案件最關鍵人物是那個法官,片中稱他好出名,好遊走於娛樂圈人士之間,在辦此案時不見得公允,且有借重叛來揚名引起媒體注目之意。至於該女孩,事發之際已非完璧,而其母親一直以來都有安排其女兒與各種經理人、導演等娛樂界人士單獨相處,紀錄片暗示其母乃以其女兒之身體來交換成名之機會。此片不是拍得特別好,但波蘭斯基當年選擇逃亡,似乎可以理解。

  2. 舒琪說,電影本身也好像越來越孤獨了...


  3. 很久沒有更新網誌了,超級忙碌?


    Happy New Year !

  4. 噢,盧馬死了。
